Detox Plus

Irritable bowel syndrome is becoming more common as our diets become more varied and the amount of sugary starches increases. Is Detox Plus the solution to boost digestive health and assist weight loss by cleansing your body? We find out.

Detox Plus Review

Detox supplements are popular with consumers who are looking to either improve digestive health or to fast track their weight loss.
When looking for a colon cleansing product it can be somewhat off putting when looking at the marketing imagery typically used for these products. It’s not unusual to find pictures of so called “bowel waste” hovering over the toilet seat, suggesting this has been successfully removed from your bowel!!!
Yikes, is all we can say!
Thankfully Detox Plus doesn’t resort to these marketing tactics using images of slim female waists that are much easier on the eye.
We contacted Evolution Slimming who seems to be the only authorised stockist of Detox Plus to get hold of a sample. They were only too happy to send one out to us so we could take a look for ourselves.

What Does Detox Plus Claim To Do?

Detox Plus claims to offer a …
deep cellular & digestive cleanse of the colon, liver and intestines, which takes place over 30 days.
As well as cleansing your colon, Detox Plus …
Can help assist weight loss through cleansing of stored waste.
That can be …
ideal as a pre, during or post diet detox cleanse!

So What Is Detox Plus?

The modern diet and lifestyle means we are eating more processed food and for many of us, unhealthy diets high in saturated fat. This leads to the build up of toxins in the body and can cause increased bloating!
Avoiding stomach cramps and bloatingDetox Plus aims to reduce the build up of toxins by removing stubborn waste and helping you to have regular bowel movements.
Despite what many other so called “colon cleansers” may suggest you will not suddenly pass huge amounts of bowel waste!
Instead you will find that by taking Detox Plus you will have increased bowel movements as more of the stubborn waste that has built up over time is removed. As a result you will need to visit the toilet more often, this means that Detox Plus is starting to work!
Some consumers have found as a bonus that they have lost some weight, had improved digestion and less bloating after meals.

What Are The Ingredients For Detox Plus?

As expected Detox plus contains lots of fiber to help digestion and maintain a healthy bowel movements, which can help get rid of toxins that build up in the colon.
All Detox Plus ingredients are entirely 100% natural and suitable for vegetarians but unfortunately none of the amounts are disclosed. This makes it impossible to know exactly what you are taking and if enough is present to actually work.

So What Does All This Mean?

Detox Plus contains ingredients high in fiber and antioxidants that have been shown to help regular bowel movements and improve digestive health.
If you suffer from digestive complaints, such as IBS or constipation, then Detox Plus could help alleviate such symptoms.

Is Detox Plus a Scam?

Detox Plus is a quality detox supplement that is available from a reputable retailer who offers a solid 30-day money-back guarantee. Any questions about the Detox Plus can be answered via the retailer directly via email or via calling them.

Does Detox Plus Have Any Side Effects?

Detox Plus should not be taken constantly over long periods of time as it may influence bowel movements. So you should only take the recommended dose of up to maximum 3 pills per day for no more than 3 months in total.
Some consumers lacking sufficient fiber in their diet have experienced more frequent bowel movements than usual. This is partly to be expected as Detox Plus contains a rich source of fiber that will encourage increased bowel movements.
The manufacturers also highlight that some consumers could initially experience minor stomach cramps that should shortly disappear.
The manufacturer suggests drinking lots of water and avoid very spicy food whilst taking Detox Plus to ensure you get the best results.

Any Detox Plus Reviews From Customers?

Whilst Detox Plus is primarily a detox supplement a number of consumers have reported losing weight when taking it.
Most consumers use Detox Plus in conjunction with a diet plan or other complimentary diet pills, such as Acai Plus Extreme, to see fast and effective weight loss results.
Detox Plus has received great feedback from consumers on Amazon who have given this supplement 4.0 out of 5.0.
Detox Plus Amazon Feedback

So Does Detox Plus Work?

Detox Plus contains a rich source of fiber, so if this is lacking in your diet you will benefit from the increased fiber intake, such as more consistent and regular bowel movements.
It’s worth pointing out that Detox Plus is NOT a diet pill as such but a detox supplement even though many consumers have reported losing weight by using it. The removal of excess waste and improved digestion can be a great way assist weight loss and help you cleanse your body from the inside.
Detox Plus is touted as a great way to start a new diet plan or in combination with your chosen diet pill to form a vital part of your weight loss programme, which they claim to help you to diet more effectively!

Where Can I Buy Detox Plus?

You can buy Detox Plus from the official stockist, Evolution Slimming, who stocks many of the most popular weight loss and health brands.
One month of Detox Plus pills retails for $47 (£19.95) and is available from Evolution Slimming for $31 (£19.95) saving you $16 (£10).

Watchdog Verdict

If you are looking for purely a diet pill that will help weight loss then Detox Plus is not the right product for you. Detox Plus looks to be a safe product available from a credible and reliable retailer who offers a no-nonsense 30-day full money-back guarantee.
The fact is though looking at the ingredients (not to mention the missing ingredient profile) it seems this supplement is mostly high fiber and laxatives. This is covered in a lot more detail in our dangers of detox diet pills report.
You could quite easily increase your fiber intake from your diet by eating more fresh fruit and vegetables to have the same effect. With this in mind, its difficult to justify the cost of buying this supplement and so dispute the good consumer feedback we have decided to reject Detox Plus.

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